Nature 2030 Policy and Engagement Officer
£21,750 p.a. , with at least 12-months in role
Deadline for applications: Midday Friday 17th February 2023
As part of the New to Nature scheme, we're offering an exciting trainee position working on a major project to support and influence Government to deliver on its nature recovery targets. This is a development role, so enthusiasm and interest in nature and Government policy is much more important than previous experience.
It involves working as part of a small, friendly team at Wildlife and Countryside Link, the biggest environmental coalition in England. You'll also have the chance to work with colleagues from CEOs to nature experts across big organisations like National Trust and RSPB, through to specialist organisations like Plantlife and Whale and Dolphin Conservation, alongside working with MPs and Government officials.
You'll work with experts in nature policy, research and political engagement, to support you to develop your skills and experience in these areas. You'll then get to focus on your main area of interest for a further 6 months, being supported to deliver your own work on nature’s recovery.
The successful candidate will gain experience in influencing for the benefit of nature, including:
To find out more about this great job opportunity please see our vacancy pack.
You can find our easy to complete application here. We particularly welcome applications from young people aged 18-25 who are a person of colour, a disabled person or are from low-income households.
Other New to Nature traineeships on offer
If this isn't quite the right job for you, there are 59 other roles being offered by New to Nature - please check out the website to find out more:
If you're looking for a role in Londonm in addition to the role at Wildlife and Countryside Link, the following positions are available through the New to Nature scheme:
The Royal Parks
Learning Programme Trainee: Supporting The Royal Parks’ Learning Team in learning and engagement opportunities, from outdoor activities for school groups, to hands-on family activities in the school holidays, and walking tours and workshops for adults.
Youth Environmental Service (incubated within the Eden Project)
New to Nature Programme Delivery Support: Supporting the delivery of the New to Nature programme as a pilot for a long-term Youth Environmental Service
Bat Conservation Trust
Volunteer Engagement Officer: This role involves engaging young and under-represented audiences in a long-running citizen science project.
Chelsea Physic Garden
Horticultural and Learning Trainee: A traineeship in practical horticulture and environmental education at London’s oldest botanic garden, supporting skills and development.
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
Community and Learning Trainee: The trainee will support the team with administration, coordination and delivery of ZSL Whipsnade Zoo’s community and learning activities.
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