10 November 2020
Responding to the Labour party’s proposals to 'Build it in Britain' and support new jobs through a green economic recovery, Dr Richard Benwell, CEO of Wildlife & Countryside Link, said: “There can be no economic recovery unless it is a green economic recovery. Anything short of a major new investment in both climate change and nature’s recovery will simply be storing up environmental costs for the future – repaid in fire, flood, crop failure and other environmental hazards.
“This bold announcement shows that the Labour Party has recognised nature’s role in a green recovery, including backing a National Nature Service to train up thousands of people, increase access to nature for all, and help to fill the massive shortfall in investment in habitats and species recovery.
“We are calling on Government to support a National Nature Service as part of a wide programme of investment in nature’s recovery needed to avert dangerous climate change, tackle inequality and unemployment and build an environmentally resilient economy for the future.”
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