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Tackling Wildlife Crime
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Nature 2030 Campaign
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Greening the economy
Blueprint for Water
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Preventing Pollution – progress towards a better environment
June 2017
Latest Blog Posts
Environmental Improvement Plan - update on our legal case
Pylon projects – what do they mean for nature?
Action to save our seabirds is needed now more than ever with five new species added to the Red List
The troubling reality lurking below the surface of our Marine Protected Areas
A fresh start for England’s Environmental Land Management schemes?
The future of farming: the need for joined up support
A Healthy Environment is Vital for Thriving Sport
Supporting farmers in the agricultural transition: Creating a better future for farming with a pay rise for nature
Game changers in giving nature a voice
Rhododendron ponticum: a garden beauty and an ecological disaster
Invasive American Mink and the Plight of Britain’s Water Voles
Ultra-Processed Britain: time for a political response
Police and Crime Commissioner elections: Putting wildlife crime in the spotlight
If the UK wants to solve our plastic waste problems, we must limit production
Protest, Free speech and environmental defenders
More trees please
Blood tests reveal EU politicians’ exposure to “forever chemicals”, a silent threat to public health
Getting Sustainable Solutions for Water and Nature to take flight
Restore the Downs! A vision for the ecological restoration of the chalk landscape from Eastbourne to Brighton and beyond.
Where are we heading on sewage pollution?