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Link Blog

The Link Blog is a space for members, and others, to express their views about the natural environment.

It includes our year plan and Agriculture Bill series, as well as our Blueprint for Water focused blogs.

If you would like to contribute a blog, please contact Emma Adler.

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Tougher sentencing needed for wildlife trade crimes

Published on: 30 January 2017

Illegal wildlife trade is a hot topic at the moment – and rightly so. It threatens the extinction of many species as diverse as sharks, pangolins and tigers. It sometimes seems that not a week goes by without hearing of poached rhinos in South Africa or elephants in Tanzania.


Natural Flood Management

Published on: 27 January 2017


Environment laws must be reinforced, not reviewed

Published on: 18 January 2017

The Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017, published this week, includes a frightening line: “Following the decision to leave the EU, we are undertaking a fundamental review of our whole environmental policy framework”.


A new vision for farming

Published on: 17 January 2017

Now in its eighth year, the Oxford Real Farming Conference is a unique opportunity for farming and environmental communities to share ideas and innovative solutions for a sustainable future for farming and food production.


Sustainable Farming and Land Use Policy essential for ‘Brand Britain’

Published on: 19 December 2016

As the Secretary of State stands up to speak at the Oxford Farming Conference in early January, she will be the first UK politician for over forty years to set out a vision for farming and the environment outside the constraints of the Common Agricultural Policy.


The 25 Year Plan must protect National Parks

Published on: 12 December 2016

The UK’s first National Parks were created in the 1940s as part of the same post-war drive to improve the nation’s well-being that also saw the establishment of the NHS and the extension of the welfare state. Now, nearly seven decades later, they cover nearly 10% of England and are enjoyed by tens of millions of visitors every year.


Will there be good news for nature across the UK and EU this week?

Published on: 5 December 2016

On Wednesday the members of the European Commission will gather for their weekly “college” meeting. The Commissioners, one from each of the twenty eight EU Member States (including the UK’s Sir Julian King, Commissioner for Security Union), meet every week, but for nature this week’s meeting is particularly significant.


Green growth: an economy that works for everyone

Published on: 29 November 2016

Last week’s Autumn Statement was the Chancellor’s first and last. The Government has announced that in future the Budget Statement will take place in Autumn and there will be a “Spring Statement” to respond to economic forecasts. This marks the end of an old way of working. At WWT, we hope this will be a chance for a new kind of reporting by the Treasury.


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