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Link Blog

The Link Blog is a space for members, and others, to express their views about the natural environment.

It includes our year plan and Agriculture Bill series, as well as our Blueprint for Water focused blogs.

If you would like to contribute a blog, please contact Emma Adler.

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Farms can be vibrant businesses with thriving wildlife

Published on: 13 October 2016

“Improved health, wealth and environment for the British people” – why Link member Harry Greenfield welcomes the outcome of the NFU’s consultation on the future of farming.


A milestone in species protection

Published on: 10 October 2016

At the 17th Conference of the Parties (CoP) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES) a record number of proposals to regulate (Appendix II) or prohibit (Appendix I) international commercial trade in various species were submitted, and the majority were adopted, many by consensus.


Five fights that still need to be won

Published on: 5 October 2016

This week, the Government confirmed that “EU law will be transposed into domestic law” on the day the UK leaves the EU. This huge legislative graft will be the work of a Great Repeal Act, which will formally end the primacy of EU law in the UK.


Ballast Water Management – Why does it matter?

Published on: 18 September 2016

Last week Finland ratified the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Ballast Water Management Convention. The 52nd contracting party tipped the target of 35% world shipping tonnage and triggered entry into force by September 2017. We’ve been waiting a long time for this as the convention was adopted way back in 2004 and yet the UK has consistently decided not to sign up or ratify the Convention. Despite this, many UK vessels are likely to have to comply with the convention requirements to trade with signatories of the convention, which include Germany, Russia and the Netherlands.


The World Conservation Congress – Talking shop or true force for change?

Published on: 16 September 2016

At the beginning of September, more than 9,000 experts descended on the Hawaii Convention Center on the Pacific island of Oahu for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s 6th World Conservation Congress. The triennial 10-day Congress is the largest global forum focussed specifically on addressing the challenges facing nature and wildlife.


We need to protect, cherish and love our seas

Published on: 6 September 2016

NGOs are oft-criticised for crying wolf. Yet time-scales of people’s lives are extremely short relative to the geological change that occurs on the planet. Adaptation and evolution are extremely slow, clumsy processes that take time to catch up with environmental conditions.


Our best chance for farm reform

Published on: 1 September 2016

The Environment Department recently published an obituary to farmland wildlife. Defra’s Natural Environment Indicators showed long and short-term decline in birds and butterflies and rapid short-term deterioration of water quality across the country.