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Link Blog

The Link Blog is a space for members, and others, to express their views about the natural environment.

It includes our year plan and Agriculture Bill series, as well as our Blueprint for Water focused blogs.

If you would like to contribute a blog, please contact Emma Adler.

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Repeal Bill: stricter scrutiny needed to make the White Paper green

Published on: 31 March 2017

The Government’s White Paper on the “Great Repeal Bill” is good. The bill will convert the body of existng EU law into UK law, so that the same rules and laws apply on the day after we leave the EU.


Prevention is better than cure

Published on: 30 March 2017

“Prevention is better than cure”: it’s a well-known saying and it’s just as relevant when talking about invasive non-native species as it is when talking about disease.


Potted plants are harbouring unwanted stowaways

Published on: 29 March 2017

Wonderful Wisterias, Heavenly Hellebores, Perfect Primroses, Magnificent Magnolias. Garden centres across the UK are overflowing with new stocks of plants to brighten up your home and garden – but these beautiful blooms may harbour unwanted stowaways that will wreak havoc in your garden.


Going fishing? Don’t bring back an invader!

Published on: 28 March 2017

Fishing abroad is becoming increasingly popular amongst UK anglers. Change of scenery, some nice weather (hopefully) and of course, the chance to catch some different fish or beat your PB. However, research being undertaken by the Angling Trust indicates that we could be unintentionally catching more than we bargained for whilst fishing overseas. Emily Smith, Angling Trust’s Invasive Species Manager, explains.


Tackling the threat of invasive non-native species

Published on: 27 March 2017

Invasive Species week 2017 takes place from March 27 until April 2. This is the third year Invasive Species Week has been running and it aims to bring organisations across Britain together, to raise awareness of invasive non-native species (INNS) and to inspire people to take action to prevent their spread.


World Water Day and the Working Wetlands Survey

Published on: 22 March 2017

Today, on World Water Day, the UN aims to focus the world’s political attention on a huge injustice. There are 663 million people around the world without a safe water supply close to home. Tackling inequality on such a vast scale will need concerted political action. Environmental NGOs can play a part by demonstrating the role restoring nature can plan in providing clean water.


Taking Action to Save Water

Published on: 20 March 2017


MPs unite on behalf of threatened species

Published on: 13 March 2017

On 22 March 2017 MPs will join forces with wildlife groups, in Westminster, to champion the protection of threatened species at this crucial time in politics. The event marks the first anniversary of the ‘Species Champions’ initiative, with 41 MPs from across the political spectrum working with 9 partner NGOs in England. The most actively-involved MPs will receive awards from TV presenter Steve Backshall, recognising their efforts for nature conservation in Parliament and out in the field.


Land is not a disposable asset

Published on: 9 March 2017

Land is a vital resource – all our activity is literally built on it. We depend on it for the food we eat, the water we drink, the energy we make, to build our houses, offices and roads, and our recreation - for mental and physical refreshment. Yet we seem to take it for granted.


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