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Link Blog

The Link Blog is a space for members, and others, to express their views about the natural environment.

It includes our year plan and Agriculture Bill series, as well as our Blueprint for Water focused blogs.

If you would like to contribute a blog, please contact Emma Adler.

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Let's work together for better animal welfare

Published on: 24 November 2016

There was a great deal of focus on the role of the RSPCA in enforcing animal welfare legislation following the publication of the EFRA Select Committee report on domestic pets. Yet little note of the majority of other conclusions and recommendations which could make a real improvement to animal welfare in England. This blog focuses on those other 29 recommendations.


Will Vietnam tackle illegal wildlife trade?

Published on: 16 November 2016

On the 17-18 November, the Vietnamese government will host an international conference on illegal wildlife trade. It’s been reported that 54 countries will be represented at this meeting to discuss what they can do to tackle this devastating trade.


Waste not, want not

Published on: 3 November 2016

Much of our countryside and green spaces are at increasing risk from development, but we know all too well that there is plenty of previously developed, or brownfield, land across England that is suitable for development but isn’t being used.


Environmental law endangered

Published on: 26 October 2016

Doubt has been cast on the Prime Minister’s recent assurance that a Great Repeal Bill will transfer the body of EU law into UK law, leaving environmental protection in doubt. A strong, target-driven 25 year environment plan is needed more than ever.


Control toxic chemicals and make Brexit safe

Published on: 24 October 2016

The Government will need to consider the full range of EU Laws that protect the environment – a much more complex and difficult task than may be realised


We cannot risk the long term survival of UK birds

Published on: 20 October 2016

As nature knows no boundaries it’s vital that birds are given the same protection here as they are overseas. It’s essential that any emerging legal protection for our most special places for wildlife across the UK is consistent with international best practice, and at least equivalent to that currently provided by the EU Birds Directive.


Keeping the 25 Year Plan alive for 25 years

Published on: 17 October 2016

The 25 year environment plan must be more than a token gesture. It is essential to ensure future governments can be held to account if they don’t deliver. For this reason, the plan
must have a robust governance framework.


Farms can be vibrant businesses with thriving wildlife

Published on: 13 October 2016

“Improved health, wealth and environment for the British people” – why Link member Harry Greenfield welcomes the outcome of the NFU’s consultation on the future of farming.