Published on: 3 November 2017
Mr Gove gave two important answers to the Environmental Audit Committee this week: he will consult on a new institution to hold Government to account for environmental delivery post-Brexit; and he believes that the principles of environmental law can be properly upheld by guidance.
Read More...Published on: 31 October 2017
Nations agree to collaborate in tackling decline of lions, leopards, giraffes, chimps and more.
Read More...Published on: 18 October 2017
What I love about nature is its variety. Species evolve together and when one species evolves in a way that gives it an advantage, sooner or later another species evolves in a way that takes away that advantage. It’s this continual process of adaptation and counter-adaption that stops any one species dominating all others, leaving plenty of species for us to enjoy! But will this continue?
Read More...Published on: 18 October 2017
It seems that the only game in town at the moment is Brexit. One could forgive people for getting a little tired of this occupying so much political space. The thing is, this IS really important and although the EU (Withdrawal) Bill sounds as though it could be the driest piece of legislation on this earth, it is in fact of the most fundamental importance.
Read More...Published on: 13 October 2017
We need to improve the way we tell the story of where our food comes from and the impact this has: on our health, on the animals raised for our consumption, and on the rest of the planet and the species which inhabit it. This is a prerequisite for persuading anyone be they individuals, food companies, farmers or policy-makers that things need to change.
Read More...Published on: 12 October 2017
Well, here we all are, at a massive point of opportunity for co-ordinated delivery for the environment. Following on from Richard Benwell’s blog which stated ‘the environment sector must also stand united’, this week marks the first conference on Farmer Clusters hosted by the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust and Natural England.
Read More...Published on: 11 October 2017
With the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan on the way, WWT is launching a new campaign for the policies the plan needs to succeed: email your MP here. It’s #TimeToBeHeard.
Read More...Published on: 9 October 2017
Hearing that the Government is launching a consultation to ban ivory last week was just brilliant news. We have all been campaigning for a ban for number of years, and to see a proposal for a total ban with a few limited exemptions that will close the UK market down once and for all, is a great success.
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