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Link Blog

The Link Blog is a space for members, and others, to express their views about the natural environment.

It includes our year plan and Agriculture Bill series, as well as our Blueprint for Water focused blogs.

If you would like to contribute a blog, please contact Emma Adler.

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Why the RSPCA are joining calls for a ban on disposable vapes

Published on: 3 March 2023

There's a new litter menace on our streets and beaches; disposable vapes. With over 1.3 million of these thrown away each week, RSPCA Scientific Officer Evie Button explains the threat to pets and wildlife, setting out the urgent need for a ban on these damaging items.


Is Government giving up on nature in protected landscapes?

Published on: 24 February 2023

The Government has one last chance in this Parliament to act to recover nature in National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


Cavity nesting birds: their decline, and the campaign to help safeguard them from national extinction

Published on: 9 February 2023

Author Hannah Bourne-Taylor outlines the campaign to make swift bricks compulsory in new housing across Britain to help safeguard cavity species from becoming nationally extinct


Running out of water: don’t hang the environment out to dry

Published on: 8 February 2023

Blueprint for Water share their take on the draft Water Resource Management Plans, and explain how you can tell you water company that their plans must work for nature.


Unveiling a Blue Recovery vision on World Wetlands Day

Published on: 2 February 2023

Laura Williams, Campaigns Manager for Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, explains how they’re engaging new audiences with what wetlands are and why they matter this World Wetlands Day.


Government statements on the Retained EU Law Bill are failing to reassure

Published on: 2 February 2023

Matt Browne, Head of Policy and Advocacy at Wildlife and Countryside Link explores the Government’s response to concerns about the Retained EU Law Bill, ahead of its second reading in the House of Lords


The Habitats Regulations: risks on four fronts

Published on: 30 January 2023

The Habitats Regulations are the UK’s most important nature conservation laws and multiple reviews have found them to be effective. However, the Habitats Regulations are at risk as the Government collects multiple powers to amend these Regulations freely - Link's CEO Richard Benwell explains.


Will the Government's imminent farming announcements get the sector back on track?

Published on: 25 January 2023

The Government is expected to make another announcement on the future of Environmental Land Management imminently, but will it hit the mark? Alice Groom (RSPB), Barnaby Coupe (The Wildlife Trusts) and Marcus Gilleard (National Trust) discuss.


Time is running out to make Biodiversity Net Gain a win for nature

Published on: 24 January 2023

Tom Ash, Policy & Advocacy Officer at Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, calls on the Government to urgently publish robust and effective Biodiversity Net Gain regulations prior to mandatory BNG in November 2023, to ensure BNG delivers on its potential to help restore nature.


Towards a Food, Farming and Nature Consensus

Published on: 19 January 2023

In 2023, Wildlife and Countryside Link is supporting the new Food, Farming and Nature Consensus alongside farmers and other environmental organisations, to show a united front for a better farming future. Hannah Conway, Policy Officer, explains.


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